Dear Brother and Sister Wolter,
Just finished watching a new release by History Channel - The Curse of Oak Island: UNBELIEVABLE Knights Templar Discovery (Season 10) Highly recommend you watching it. What looks like the Kings Mark and or a Mark of Templar Mason is revealed in this episode along with some other uniquely Templar designs about 50 miles away from Oak Island. They also mentioned the Overton Stone in this episode and showed it from a wide angle and it is two massive boulders and a smaller one. I went immediately to look at it from above to see if it is a Dragon and Phoenix with the other unknown creature. I have a feeling its gonna be such just from what is shown in the video. Noticed when I was using Goggle trying to get coordinates to look at it via satellite that there is no Wikipedia article for such with that information to do so. However your post “A Preliminary Investigation into the Geology of the Overton Stone” came up in results so contacting you about this. Perhaps you have the coordinates if you’d be so kind to share them I can research to see if my assumption is correct.
Since my last communication I discovered another location of a sacred natural spring that defiantly has these features. You can see what I am speaking about within the video when they go out to this location. The video is by Peter Santenello “Invited to Secluded Indian Reservation (Zuni Pueblo Tribe)”. At 16:50 in they are traveling to this location at 18:22 to the right of the screen there is a large stone clearly carved and or chiseled into a rectangle head shape with an eye indention area where it should be on a dragons head, another open mouth looking stone to its right that may be another creature or its tail. Unfortunately they are covered by debre so its not clear it may even be the Phoenix although there is another large rock to the left of the entrance to this water hole that isn’t real clear in the video that may be the Phoenix across from the Dragon as they do appear that way sometimes. Thought I’d mention this location since this couple are so open to receiving outsiders and if you chose to do so you could go investigate it.
When I mentioned previously about finding these type sculpture effigies in Peru and North America. I didn’t mention where. Also I believe these exist in Israel near the ancient Pool of Shalom. I did see and document these back when doing arial research using Google a few years ago at the archeological ruins of the Anasazi and on Hopi Lands. Now its appearing there may be a connection on Zuni lands as well. I’m not sure if these effigies are known to these people or if they predated them. Above Cusco Peru there are two Temples on the mountain representing the sun and moon; one is part of a Dragon head effigy and the other is part of the Phoenix head. I even have modern day locations of two major cities in Peru and one looks like a dragon from the air and the other a Phoenix. Also high up in the mountains there are locations with these effigies that are clearly runes of locations where people lived also near caves. There is a location in Montana that may be a cave entrance that this duo flank as well. They were situated on a cliff side and the possible cave is underneath them in a black shadowed area. It is hard to tell sometimes from arial shots and it may not be the case but they do typically occur at cave entrances. This mountain is unique as it appears to have a gold fish depiction, a large cloaked figure like Jesus or Mary or Kwan Yin, with a Dragons head at its feet. Above at the top of the mountain there definitely was a ruin site as the building layouts were visible. There are ancient Buddhist cave entrances elsewhere in the world with these effigies as well. However those cave entrances may have been designed by another group perhaps Hindus and the Buddhists just took them over. I’m just going off the top my head at the moment but I tend to screen shot stuff to refer back to if needed. Also found Buddhist or Hindu looking sculptures on Mt Rushmore from arial views. It also appeared there were a male and female giant figures laying side by side looking up at heaven. I suspect that at one time a reclining figure once was carved into that mountain and the presidential faces were to cover it up. Interesting depiction of Queen Elizabeth 1 when she passed away she was depicted laying on the floor like a Buddhist or Hindu figures are, and she most definitely ties to the early founding of America. They have also discovered a reclining Egyptian female figure on a bed from the New Kingdom ca 1550-1295 B.C. She’s laying on a stone headrest. The Cincinnati Stone was found under a skull but there is no mention of how it was positioned or if DNA has been done on the remains. It seems to be connected. I do apologize rattling on its just hard to convey all the stuff in my head at times.
Following is some extremely important information for anyone who is a Mason today concerning the original nature of the rites where in fact Christian based and it was Albert Pike a none believer of the faith who boldly changed Freemasonry in such a way that it no longer is what the original founders of it practiced.
Within the “An Address To The MASONS of Ohio 1884” it states the following.
3d. The Potentates of the Northern jurisdiction, not satisfied with their ridiculous assumption of absolute power and the subversion of the just rights of their subordinates, have, by tricks and subterfuges, dragged their nasty quarrels into the Order of Knights Templar of the York Rite—creating discord and disunion where all was harmony and. propriety. The handful of Northern Jurisdiction monarchists being also Knights Templar, basely embroiled the great mass of Tem-plars in their quarrel who are not Scottish Rite Masons, and know no more about the Scottish Rite than the “man in the moon.” It even tried to trick its own members with an “oath of fealty.”
The reasons for withdrawing brethren for uniting with, and organizing Bodies in Ohio, under the Supreme Council of the United States of America, their Territories and De-pendencies, are as follows, viz:
1st. The Rite has a clean record, and a legitimate history from its organization to the present time. It acknowledges the constitutions of 1762, which makes it a representative government. It grants representation with taxation. It claims no ad-vitam privileges, but all its officers are elective from highest to lowest. It preserves and teaches the “original” Ritual of Scottish Rite Masonry. It authorizes no false explanation of the Christian grades to accommodate infidels and unbelievers in the Christian religion.
2d. In a word—it is truly a “government of the people, for the people, and by the people.” Entirely in harmony with the institutions of this country, under which we live as a free and happy people. No denial of these facts have been made, or attempted, by the intelligent members of the so-called Northern Juris-diction—those who are well read in the history of Scottish Rite Masonry. But a certain number of their leaders, for motives known only to themselves, permit in misleading the Fraternity by insinuations and charges that the Council for the United States of America, with which we now affiliate, is not “legitimate, is spurious,” ect., ect.
The document goes on to refute with notice of charges in the proceedings of Ohio Council of Deliberation 1884:
“Will the 5,000 Knights Templar of this great State permit themselves to be led any longer by the nose, and deceived by the mere handful of their number who are also members of Carson’s Northern Jurisdiction of Scottish Rite Masonry?
At this trial decisions were made, and opinions an—nounced, which would have disgraced the Spanish Inquisition-tions. But the Grand Commander was required to carry out the orders of his master and owner. These are some of the instances of prosecution and persecution, but they will not succeed. The cause of truth is moving on steadily, quietly, but surely, to ultimate victory. It has been said: “That error of option may safely be tolerated where truth is left free to combat it;” but in this case truth is not free: it is fettered. But this will not always bee, and it will be all the brighter in the end. Our persecutors imagine they see golden fruit in the distance, but when plucked and tasted, they will find it to be Dead Sea fruit—apples of Sodom. “
G. A. FRAMBES, 33 Degree
Deputy of Ohio.
H. O’KANE, 33 Degree
Commander-in-Chief Columbus Council Kadosh.
WM. M. ROBERTS, 32 Degree
Columbus Chapter Rose Croix.
R. B. COLLIER, 32 Degree
Columbus Council Princes of Jerusalem.
A. B. COIT, 32 Degree
Grand Master Columbus Grand Lodge of Perfection.
JAS. C. KROESEN, 33 Degree
Grand Secretary.
Note Sir Francis Bacon was known as the moon man which relates to the expression contained above.
Within the book: Freemasonry Through. Six Centuries Vol. II by Henry Wilson Coil, Sr., A.B., LL.B. 1968
Capter XVII The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in America After 1813 it states thee following.
In his pamphlet, Beauties of Cerneauism, issued August 25, 1887, Pike said:
“I have said that the Rituals of the degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, and those of the Rite of Perfection, when I received them, were worthless. I repeat it, excepting the Rose Croix only. They taught man nothing that he did not know before. They were not impressive in any way. No man of intellect and knowledge could regard them, as literary productions, with any respect. They were trivial, insipid, without originality, contemptible as literary productions, mere collections of flat, dull, common-place,—in short, they were no better than the Rituals of the two or three Degrees which alone Cerneauism now possesses,—of its own, at least.”
“I found them all at Charleston when I received the Degrees there up to the 32nd. I took most of them home with me the year afterwards, and had the rest sent to me, and copied the whole of them, from begin-ning to end, in a book now in the archives of the Supreme Council; and I undertook immediately afterwards, the work of revising them, which Charles Laffon had begun, because I thought that they were not worth working, and ought to be revised or the Rite abandoned as worthless. I revised them, finishing the work while only a 32nd, and printing them for the consideration of the Supreme Council, at no expense to myself of $1,200. It is well known that in 1841, the Grand Orient of France had not a complete set of Scottish Rite Rituals; and could in 1840 supply it’s subordinates with twelve Rituals only, of Degrees above the 18th, each of a single Degree, eight of which related ex-clusively to the Degree of Kadosh, and three to that of Knight of the Sun. Of course, it and all the world had those of the 18th and some of the Degrees below it.”
It is important to observe that at the time Pike was faced with the task of revising the rituals he was confronted with a volume of literature which had been growing up on the subjects of Symbolism, Ancient Pagan Mysteries, Cabalism, and the like. At least eight well known. Works purporting to connect Freemasonry with ancient religions and philosophies had appeared by 1853, and were to be more followed later. What may have been due to a mere lack of material in Freemasonry from which to construct some thirty degrees, Pike promptly attributed to a purpose of the ritualistic, like that of the Cabalists, to obscure the meaning and symbolism of the degrees. He assumed that all degrees must have symbolism and hence he was puzzled by the 15th and 16th in the rituals, which had none. In-stead of realizing that these degrees merely told an old legend taken from the Book of Esdras, he concluded that the symbolism was so deeply buried that it could not be found. Though there may have been something of the ancient mysteries in the rituals, it is plain that Pike inserted more. Undoubtedly, he accepted many things as true which were to be rejected by later research. END
It is of interest that one day I simply decided to open my 1611 King James Bible to the book of Esdras. Having no idea what the book was even about. Perhaps the hidden symbolism that puzzled the man who came of his own mind to rewrite the rituals of the degrees that he so blatantly ridiculed and clearly despised to no longer include their previous Christian nature, because in his ego driven mindset he missed the hidden cryptography actually in the 1611 & 1613 King James Version of the Holy Bible may have been the symbolism he felt was missing or perhaps certain phrasing was related to sacred language seals that relate to their Gematria. That is my guess not knowing the rituals and I realize I may be mistaken yet many have said Pike worshiped Lucifer and despised the teachings of Jesus based on things he wrote and expressed. Proverbs 25:2 “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter.” Perhaps what Pike did was to remove the Christian aspects of the Rites based on his own beliefs. Yet it was always a requirement for anyone to take the title of a Knight Templar to have to openly express their acceptance of Jesus Christ and their fidelity was to God the Heavenly Father and not to any man nor woman. This most likely was their undoing and persecution, because they would not put the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church nor the King of France before their deepest held beliefs. But of course I may be wrong but the research has lead me to my conclusions.
Gods Blessings, Amanda