Thursday, January 26, 2023


Dear Brother & Sister Wolter, on Jan 13th, I forwarded a short note via Oak Island Research contact form to those involved with the Lagina Brothers, that involves your research and I wanted to followup with you; now that I see that Brother Scott does correspond in a timely manner to those whom make contact here regarding insights, into the research you’ve also been doing for many years. 

The note sent to the Oak Island team:

Some connections that may be of interest to your research. Recently watched The Curse of Oak Island Always Forward (Season 4 Episode 2 aired Nov 2016) and somethings stood out regarding the investigation of the well in New Ross. Also, happen to recently have watched America Unearthed Epic Hunt for the Holy Grail in Nova Scotia (Season 1 Episode 13 aired 2012). In the latter episode Scott Wolter too investigated the same well and sent a diver down into the structure to investigate it. While the diver was underwater within the well he pulled an iron spike, from between rocks in the wall, and then it appeared that he simply gave it a toss down into the water thinking nothing about its possible significance; relating to those yet to be discovered on Oak Island, which were tested and found to have a unique composition including Prospherous. Noticed during the Oak Island episode the team did not pull the debris up, from the bottom of the well. It would seem that if it is in the well still or someone has it in their possession; it could be acquired and tested. If it matches which it most likely will the same chemical makeup as those on the island; it would be significant concerning linking the two locations beyond just theory. Also wondering if the spikes that also look like large nails could be related to those once used in the Holy Lands during crucifixions. There is a nail / spike that was discovered in an Israel museum still attached to human bone that indicates the individual was crucified and it looks similar only shorter. Does this particular archeological find also have Prospherous in its makeup? If it does then its something the Templars may have known and replicated. 

Also in the America Unearthed episode they visited Hobsons Island, which is an island of stones, that may have been pulled from to build the well at New Ross itself, as well as structures on Oak Island. In the episode they also pointed out a large boulder, which Scott identified as black granite. The stone was of interest because it had a V carving upon it. Scott often mentions the hooked X symbol he relates to the Templars and it is pretty interesting that in Jewish Gematria that XY, which is what a hooked X looks like to me: is the combination of the two letters: used as a sacred language seal used in cryptography, by Sir Francis Bacon, who was according to Alfred Dodds book a Knight templar trained in the secretive language. It is a language that is mathematical based. 

Over the years I’ve done much research relating to him and have deciphered some of his sacred seals, that do indicate he was William Shakespeare and he did help compose the 1611 & I613 King James Bible. That research is a really deep breadth of information I will forego at this time of delving into, and instead will focus on observations of connections just recently realized. I will express that he is connected to all of this; as are the founders of America. 

Back to the reason for this contact: just also recently watched Last Stand in the Holy Land Buried Knights Templar and the Holy Grail (Episode 2 aired Jan 2018) and within this episode the team decided to dive off the coast of Acre to see if when Templars escaped from the location, when it was under siege if they perhaps dropped an anchor to lighten their load in order to gain speed while fleeing. They did not find an anchor but they did find a black granite ballast stone that could have been used to stabilize a ship. Questioning if the two granite stones are connected chemically. 

Back to the Laginas and the divers finds within the well: Immediately when I saw the stone arrangement that includes the triangle carving I knew what I was looking at, because I’ve seen it depicted elsewhere in Peru and North America. The three stones that are coming together represent a dragon kissing a phoenix with another round stone above between them possibly representation of a caterpillar. It’s a Sun Moon and Sirius most likely or maybe Venus Trinity arrangement, thus the triangle carving on the dragon depiction. These sculptures tend to have similar features: they always have eyes placed right where they should be proportionally; the dragons head will be more rectangular and sometimes their bodies too will be represented with scales, teeth, nostrils, and horns; the Phoenix will have a rounded or beak like head shape sometimes with beak air holes depicted and swirling behind its head that represents feathers flowing behind it and often the head will have a circular crown on top; the little alien caterpillar worm looking dude above them normally is a round shaped depiction that has two eyes looking straight out most often. I could see the shapes and eyes of all three so to me its clearly what they are. Making you aware of this you may want to look at this area and investigate it further considering what I have expressed about them. 

It is of great interest that the Knights Templar did have connections to Peru and I have discovered these on a massive effigy scale there using satellite images, which is another connection. Typically they are found near water and cave entrances, which are often near ancient settlement ruin sites; not publicly known for the most part that I am aware of. That was research was done several years ago now, while being lead by the God / Holy Spirit, via interior locution, to the locations in a flow type manner of instinctive honing in on locations. Very surreal experience at the time. One sure can see a lot that seems designed specifically from arial viewpoints. Again thats a whole other subject matter for at the moment there is more concerning the other carving found in the well: of the three lines said to be the Kings Mark associated, with Prince Henry Sinclair. That was a mind totally blow away moment for me. Just wow! See for several years I questioned why my ancestor Matoaka / Pocahontas was depicted holding her hand in a letter Shin hand position and so is Queen Elizabeth I and Christopher Columbus as well as some individuals connected to the Queen. Pocahontas did convert to the form of Christianity of those whom settled Jamestown, which again that’s a whole other subject matter, as they most likely were Rosicrusians / Angelicans / Knights Templar / Quakers / Amish / Church of God, whom still perhaps practiced mystical Jewry and beloved Jesus Christ was their messiah. I believe the hand mudra / hand sign is the letter Shin that relates to the name of Shaddai and also the Priestly Blessing of YHWH. Prince Henry Sinclair is also depicted using this sacred seal in a painting of him in his youth. There are others as well this past year I’ve discovered as more images have been uploaded to the Internet. A few that come to mind Jesus, Mary, Timucua, Issac Newton, Copernicus, Solomon, and Enoch. Well here’s the rub: Scott Wolter noticed Columbus using it as well and in America Unearthed Cryptic Symbols Hide Templar Secrets (Season 3 Episode 12 aired Jan 2015) he discovered statues in a known Knight Templar Church of Jesus and Mary, also were depicted using it. He theorized it was an M for Mary, which may be but to me its a Shin,; it could also be a 3 or an E or W or maybe all of them including Shin, which also looks similar to a trident. Well that’s all for now as I was trying to finish this being its the 13th before midnight and send it over. Gods Blessings 


Some of the following below I wrote this week, however I did not send it to the Oak Island team, because I wanted to research your work a bit more. Also, they did not respond and there is the possibility it did not process through to them, because I did not click their little waver box, and if so then thats not meant to be a door that is opened, per say. 

I came across your work many years ago when I was researching the Newark artifacts: as I too was staring to piece together things I questioned about history. Those artifacts too are of great interest. Some of the Hebrew expressions actually equal their meaning utilizing English Gematria. 

It seems to me that we are moving towards an awakening on a world society level to what is truth that has been fettered regarding the past whose time is to be known, thus reaching out now to share a bit of insight myself. 

Last week one night I was up pretty late watching The Curse of Oak Island: “LIVE” Scott Wolter 2/06/22 posted by QoOI. That was a very interesting interview, as I already written below a followup that tied into Know Thyself, creating a synchronicity. Synchronicities are something I experience often. When the subject matter of why you haven’t been on the Oak Island series came up, and you suggested they had mislead the public about information, which they with intention had presented to the public regarding artifacts; and you chose to pass four times, simply because you felt that non truth within the production reflects a lack of integrity, which you did not wish to align with: I found your honesty was very much appreciated stating such. For a very long time I had been aware of your blog Scott Wolter Answers, but for whatever reason things just did not flow forth in a manner causing me to dig deeper into what you posted there, and the comment section, until last night. Ended up reading An “Academic” Hit Job on the Kensington Rune Stone and The Truth about Oak Island and the Cremona Document. It surprised me a bit that you haven’t followed the other shows History Channel has produced relating to the Knights Templar. As you can see from what I expressed above team work would mean cross referencing, at times other insights others that are revealing wither truth or false, when its clear their intention is to reveal the hidden truths those involved with the Knight Templar are diligently seeking to understand, from a historical fact perspective. Assuming there is a chance you’ve not watched The Curse of Oak Island: Bonus: Tour Marty Lagina’s Winery you should as it does relate to the Knights Templar. 

Last week I also came across an article: Review of Scott Wolter’s Book About the Hooked X. If you’ve not read it I will spare you the disappoint you’d feel doing so. I am only mentioning this because the author within the article stated something that was a great insight that I may have the answer to the hidden sacred seal meaning of combining letters into one symbol practiced, by certain individuals as a form of cryptographer to convey information for the future. “Columbus does indeed use a hook on his X, but so he does on his Y 9p. 106)! Wolter does not give the latter any special symbolism, nor should he. The use of hooked. X:s in medieval writing has no religious meaning. The idea is preposterous, it is like claiming that the dot over Its symbolizes monotheism, when in fact it is originally only a means of separating this letter from others also made up by short strokes. Paleography, the science of handwriting, is what you need here, not religious speculation.” Below I will add what I discovered regarding the hooked Y as it connects mathematically using the science of numbers to my ancestor and proves the author of the prior statement incorrect about their stated as fact conclusions, due to not knowing the hidden truth: that some folks speak by using cryptography as sacred language seals and have for hundreds of years. As some would say: Touche!    

Followup with new information regarding the January 13th message I sent. Realized afterwards I had accidentally left out the related Gematria to the hooked X that appears to be an Xy combined together as a sacred cryptography seal. In Jewish Gematria: Xy = V (letter on the black granite marker stone on Hobsons Island) = Keystone = ChristTheSonOfGod = AsAFigTreeDropsFigs = HumanGodSoul ect In English or Simple Gematria: Xy = Eight = Aaron = Green = IAmGod = LORD = Karen = Luke = Alive = Deus = Atom = Way = Athena (muse of Sir Francis Bacon) = Eagles = Sign = Enigma = Healer ect Just did some further research and have discovered some additional things that relate: In English or Simple Gematria: HobsonsIsland = SirFrancisBacon = JacquesDeMolay = JesusChrist = HolySpirit = MessiahChrist = IAmTheSonOfGod = TheHiddenMessiah = JesusIsLord = Switzerland = DrainTheSwamp = MyBelovedSon = IAmLordYeshua = FifthDimension = TheIncarnation = ChristCross = LoveStory = TheKingChrist ect In English Gematria: YY = Shin = Rebekah (her Christianized name and she is depicted using the hand sign) = Eriel = INRI = Biblical = Sacred = Bush = Wind = Corn = America = Donald = Paul = Apple = Joy = Chart = Sofia = Snake = Pink = Frank = Lion = Open = Nato = Rigged = Nazi (evil) = After = Korea = Cocaine = Owl = Fatima = Drew = Marco (Marco Polo may tie in because in English or Simple Gematria: MarcoPolo = Shakespeare) = Mariah = Ohev = Ezra = Chiefs = Circle = Vine = Utah ect  

Jumping back to the hand sign / mudra that I believe realties to the Hebrew letter shin there is also a depiction of Jonas / Jonah whom too has both hands making said hand signal. Some others Sir Francis Drake, and Alfred the Great (c849-899) who was the first to be crowned King of England. I have a list of others as well in my research documentation. Oddly Ive not found one of King Henry VIII but definitely some of the women connected to him are depicted using it. Just discovered this week after watching The Curse of Oak Island: Evidence of 1492 Treasure tunnel (S8 E12), that in 1662 The Book of Common Prayer was first published for the Church of England. There is an engraving depiction of the 13 Compliers of this book and it is most interesting as many of them are using this same hand sign as well. I could not find a list of who these men are which would be important to know. The men are labeled as 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and these are all dressed in the same wearing white shirts with a vestment over them that is black and they are all wearing whats looks like Jewish kippah head coverings; the men labeled as 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 also are all dressed the same in black robes but with long hair that is uncovered; and the man at the head of the table is dressed as the first set of men but his hat is odd sort of looks like a triangle shaped piece on top of his head covering. All of this ties together with the King James Bible. Within the 1613 edition the front page that includes the tribes listings Francis Bacon encoded his name using a sacred language seal / cryptography. In English or Simple Gematria: MATHEW (anagram WeMath) = Francis = Yahweh = Henry (In jewish Gematria: Zichmni = KingHenry = Zion = Melchizedek ect) = Ephraim = Yosef = Shadow (Sir Francis Bacon is depicted in the shadow of other artwork) = FigTree = TarfaDara ect The man depicted as MATHEW looks like him in other depictions sitting at a desk. Then in Jewish Gematria: MARC = Bacon and the depiction looks like a monk at a desk and he had an alter ego monk brother named Tobias = Romeo, in English or Simple Gematria; and Tobias = Gentlemen = Sinclair ect. Also in Jewish Gematria: MATHEW = NovaScotia = MilitaryOperation ect. In English or Simple Gematria: NovaScotia = MaryMagdalene = Squirrel (used in the artwork head piece of the KJV and there is an old depiction of John Dee and Sir Francis Bacon with a woman that looks like Pocahontas that has a squirrel on a leash like she’s walking it. It is a really bizarre depiction.) = ThreeEleven = TheKingIsBack = StarOfDavid = KingJamesBible = AllSeeingEye = StarWars = DivineLight = LoveWins = Springfield = CallOfDuty = BlessedByGod = OneAndOnly = HebrewCalendar = TribeOfJudah = Foundation = Middletown = GodsGematria = Researchers ect Just watched your episode on the Newport Tower over the weekend and your theory about the Babylonian Trinity of the Sun, Moon, and Venus / Lucifer the false light. In Jewish Gematria: RainbowCovenant = BabylonianUnholyTrinity thus I do not at this point believe the Knight Templars associated with such, but instead perhaps it was related to Sirius. Although even if so we are not to worship anything in the heavens the Father and Creator of said created. God is Spirit and is One. Perhaps the sculptures were not worshiped per say, but were of a symbolic nature that I do not know the answer to. That said I do wonder is there are any Sirius alignments that perhaps line up to Newport tower, because today we do know that the star reflects rainbow colors, when looked at through a telescope. It is interesting that occurs and God used the rainbow in the sky to represent saids covenant. Anywho, happen to notice when you pointed out the Statue of Liberty holding the notched tablet that she does so with her fingers in the Shin hand sign and her other hand holding the torchlight: if you removed the torch she’s holding one finger upwards. Both the signs that are associated with the 13 men previously discussed and used throughout history. Also there is a postcard of John Rolfe and Motoakas / Pocahontas marriage and he is holding his arm up in the One hand sign. In another it is clear he is a knight as his attire indicates such. 

As mentioned previously Sir Francis Bacon was connected to William Shakespeare, by his use of sacred number seals relating to languages. I’ve shared many of those discovers, as I discovered them over the years to document on my FB. There is no doubt in my mind he coded his name into many things as others have after him. It was only this past year when I read The Martyrdom of Francis Bacon, by Alfred Dodd, that I finally had the smoking gun of what I already suspected: He was a Knight Templar. Here are two noteworthy examples: Rosi = Francis in Jewish Gematria and Free = Bacon in English or Simple Gematria; as in RosiCrucians and FreeMasons. In English or Simple Gematria: FrancisBacon = AmazingGrace = Masonry = Brothers = Dorothy (connects to Dorothea Mason John Rolfes mom) = ThreeDays = Gratitude = Awareness = Messenger ect His last Essays he had published he signed his name FR. ST. ALBAN. and in Morse Code dots / periods are letter E, thus FReSTeALBANe = Shakespeare, in English or Simple Gematria. Some of these equals have continued to blow my mind. In English or Simple Gematria: EnochWalkedWithGod = WilliamShakespeare = GeorgeWashington = VarinaPlantation (Home of Matoaka / Pocahontas and the man using the name John Rolfe) = AmandaLStansberry (A combo of my birth name. Ancestral Memory? “Would the voice of blood restore to me the image on an ancestral past?” I did awake one day to the voice of God calling me by name (interior locution) and then during a spiritual awakening manic but yet calm state: I found myself writing down the letters of the alphabet assigning numbers to them and then adding letters of words and phrases up to research their meanings; only to find out afterwards trying to understand thee experience; it was not delusional behaviors, as some would have had me believe, because it was a known so called pseudoscience related to Jews and their use of Gematria and to Sir Francis Bacon. Was part of the experience ancestral in nature? That was the beginning of years of flowing with Spirit researching many things.) = SwordOfTruth = ApocalypseGematria = EyesShiftedRight (painting of Sir Francis Bacons: describing it reveals his identity in more than one way. I have a half dozen or so documented to the one painting on FB) off the top of my head at the moment: ie in Jewish Gematria: BlackTopHat = Shakespeare and in English or Simple Gematria: BlackTopHat = Octopus (Queen Elizabeth I has one hidden in the folds at the waist of her Rainbow Portrait painting. She too hid hidden knowledge within her paintings based on cryptography using mathematical language equals as their meanings.) = BookOfEnoch = Sunshine = Netanyahu = RhNegative = Witness = Purity ect  Also at the bottom of the 1613 KJV page Sir. Francis Bacon encoded the Latin phrase CumPriuilegio = KnowThyself in English or Simple Gematria. I know one thing this too is connected: Hamlet To Be or Not To Be That Is The Question. This above all, to thyne own God be true. 

Hobsons Island once had a lighthouse that I believe ties into other research I’ve been doing this past year that may link Oak Island to another location God / Spirit lead me to several years ago; I believe before Oak Island aired. There is another gentleman on Youtube Court Lindahl who has ever intriguing research he’s been doing that also seems to relate in some cases. 

Had a theory years ago that the island is aligned to other constellations not mentioned to my knowledge on any of the episodes. The manmade beach I suspect may be Hydra thats sits below Virgo and that the triangle lake is the Crater Grail Constellation that sits on its back, the stone triangle structure that was destroyed represented Sextons, and some of the other constellations on its back and below may be located on the island, or the within the offshore waters being represented by manmade structures. See I believe the Templars used constellations relating to their Gematria equal maybe because; in English or Simple Gematria: Constellations = ArkOfTheCovenant. Just as in Jewish Gematria: Columbus = HolyGrail = Dayton. The box drains most likely would be Scorpius / Dragon (in ancient Chinese astrology) and I question if the star Antares is maybe where the money pit would be located based on an AsAboveSoBelow = ThirtyThree = LoveIsTheKey = KocoumKocoum. 

Oak Island does not have a lot 33 and that was one of Sir Francis Bacons special cyphers, as it equals BACON using simple English Gematria, thus the concept that a vault such as the one of Bruton Vault lore most likely would be elsewhere is a logical possibility. However, I would hope they left something there still of worth to be found there and its not just a decoy, but maybe the greater treasure per say was moved into the United States long ago to protect it from the church and the monarchy aligned with it inclined to their evil inclinations, that persecuted the Knights Templar; and perhaps Oak Island points to the other location. 

If you are interested I’d be inclined to share more research insights freely given to me by Spirit and perhaps working, with a team to flush out a theory using a scientific approach in conjunction based upon some of my interior locution experiences and my own following up seeking understanding of them, in order to further support with proper research as to what may or not be hidden underground at a particular location I was given, before sharing it in a mainstream kinda way, because I do realize I may be wrong but I honestly do not believe that to be the case. And I also have come to realize protections would have to be in place if a location is revealed to the wrong people and the masses so they wouldn’t go trying to dig things up haphazardly causing more harm than good, and trying to claim it for themselves, when I believe such a find would belong to all and only revealed because it is the will of our Father in heaven to bring such forth, and also out of respect to those whom gave their lives to protect truth knowing they would not live to see it revealed in the future. No offense but does anyone really think they can claim such for themselves? That said: There is a very important document I was lead to finding when researching lodges in your very area that states: “”It has been said: “The error of opinion may safely be tolerated where truth is left free to combat it”; but in this case truth is not free; it is fettered. But this will not always be, and it will be all the brighter in the end. Our persecutors imagine they see golden fruit in the distance, but when plucked and tasted, they will find it to be Dead Sea Fruit—apples of Sodom.”” This was stated within the closing of An Address to the MASONS OF OHIO regarding the persecution of Templars in 1884, at a time when in Ohio there resided 5000 of them. If you’d like a PDF of this document I can forward it to you if you are unfamiliar with it. 

Sometimes I experience a flow of things as to how they seemingly manifest into my reality: ie One day I saw someone wearing a shirt that said “Where’s The Bacon” and the thought immediately came into my awareness TheBaconIsInOhio and in English or Simple Gematria it happens to equal BrutonVault. It is a most strange and weird gift at times that Im grateful to be given as it does give me some purpose of being. So perhaps tis truth.

Was reading about the persecution of Jews in the Netherlands last Thurs. We had a severe weather warning here that day and I ventured outside to take our fur babies out and the sky was black and forbidding, but then when we came back through the backyard gate: I looked up again and a beautiful rainbow was stretched across the sky, and it made me smile for to me that is a beautiful sign of Gods promise of everlasting convent and Amazing Grace. By the way I am not a Freemason, but I am a Child of God the most high, so therefore I see others as my brothers and sisters in Christ thus the address. Only clarifying for I would not mean to mislead you, as I do realize Masons use similar greetings. I have taken no oaths and am able to share openly, as I feel lead to do, although I am respectful of those that have chosen to do so. 

In Jewish Gematria: RainbowCovenant = BabylonianTrinityUnholy (Sun Moon Venus) and in English or Simple Gematria: TemplarsShaddaiSacredLanguageSeals = BabylonianTrinityUnholy. I had been questioning asking God for clarification as to what the third sculpture represented Venus or Sirius and then the rainbow appeared and this is why I suspect the Trinity associated with the Templars may have actually related to the Pearl of Wisdom in the sky Sirius not Venus / Lucifer that some venerate as a Goddess. We are not to worship heavenly bodies God the Father of heaven is the Creator of all known to mankind and is a Spirit. 

While I do realize I covered a lot within this expression and its not punctuated and broken into paragraphs as it perhaps should be, which would have taken me a lot of pain staking time when things tend to move forwards so much for me that it is simply easier to flow with what my thoughts are when I write things out and not to mention I’ve done a lot of researching that I simply document the best I can and if the need should arise I can refer back to it. The little I’ve just shared really is just a tiny bit of what I could share. Frankly there is so much in my head it is a bit overwhelming trying to figure out how to disseminate it for others. I do realize I could do so myself utilizing Youtube but its not something as of yet I feel lead to do. 


It is sad that Zena Helpern did as she did with intention choosing to do, because she betrayed long term relationships in the process; and betrayal is hurtful, regardless of realizing why someone may have done so. True gentlemen do speak kindly of those that have passed, but at the same time if a male had done the same things it does beg to question if it would it be stated similarly or more clearly that what she did was wrong on many levels plan and simple: on a trust level based on knowing another person’s expectation was that they were sharing information with her as a team effort they did not wish to disclose at the time she went ahead and did so on her own. She betrayed someone who confided in her. At the same time to have this concept research of matters others, before us laid their lives down for, in order to conceal and protect it for a future generation they knew clearly they would not witness, is not a righteous respect towards their memory and contribution for the betterment of mankind. I simply do not think that way; so when others are merely researching to reveal the hidden truths they hid during a time in history, when they were persecuted and murdered for it, to claim it as their own sorta copyright is wrong in thought. This is a legacy that they left behind for not just a few to lay claim to, but for them to share it openly to clear their good names, as well as not seeking worldly renown or wealth from it as a primary objective and that in my mind is how it should be. I mean no disrespect stating this simple fact and truth: people need to work together as a team effort if they have been chosen by God to do this type research being lead by the Holy Spirit.  

Wrote the above a few days ago and since discovered something very interesting the statue of George Washington in front of Federal Hall in NYC: he is holding his hand in the Shin hand sign. Brother Lindalh had featured the statue in a recent video and I went looking for it specifically to see his hand positions. Just discovered we have a green comet passing over America tonight. Oddly GreenComet = FrancisBacon in Jewish, English, or Simple Gematria. 

Gods Blessings to you both and hopefully some of what I’ve sent may be helpful.

Link to the Address To The Masons of Ohio

Added this comment last night on your Blog

I tried to post my comment here but it was to long to do so. I've not used this site before so I created a blog simply to communicate the  information with you. I thought I'd posted this here before but am not seeing it as I am coming back to see if you responded. Been watching some of your America Unearthed episodes and a few podcasts you've done on Youtube. Watching one about your unique alien looking artifacts and they remind me of anceint artifacts found last year, dated back to 3,000 to 4,500 years, found at Sanxingdui (Three Star Mound) in China. They too have exagerated upward slanted eyes and holes in the ears. Also since writing the blog post to you I watched your episode on the Waubonsie stone and took a screen shot of it and I see it does have a Phoenix head to the left: with its beak, eye, slender neck, and flowing feathers on top its head; and to the right of the face is the Dragon representation with a horn, eye, mouth, and more rectangular shaped head. I believe the face in the middle represents the face of the wind thus the open mouth blowing. Being that Genesis 1:2 includes the statement that "the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." KJV: I believe the face represents the Spirit of God thus most likely the top vessel held water. Perhaps for washing ones hands? It appears the stone is granite and wondering if it is the same composition of the granite you looked at on Dobsons Island and the same as the lone ballast stone found of the coast of Acra, which I've discussed in the original communication. Also just discovered the Ohio Adena effigy pipe is an interesting artifact for a few reasons, but the most important one to question is the fact it has three lines carved into its front that resemble the Kings Mark of Henry Sinclair that was found in the New Ross well, which also I spoke about in the original communication. Just thought I'd add these latest while trying to make contact again. Gods Blessings

Added below Jan 30th as again the comment was to long to post as a comment on your Blog. 

Noticed when I hit publish that it has to be approved to post so if you prefer to just communicate with me on my Blog and not make my comments visible on yours that is fine if you choose to do so. I know a lot of treasure hunter type folks are on your blog, and also those that may not share the same level of integrity. In English or Simple Gematria: JesusChrist = JacquesDeMolay = SirFrancisBacon. In English or Simple Gematria: Dayton = William; in Jewish Gematria: Xenia = Shakespeare; Columbus = Dayton; in English. or Simple Gematria: KingsMills = FrancisBacon; Middletown = Iamestown = NovaScotia = KingJamesBible = MaryMagdalene = LoveWins = BlessedByGod ect; Cincinnati = Atlantis = FreeMason = Turtle; SeaVenture = SaintGermain = Washington = WeThePeople = Pythagoras = Pythagorean = Galloway; Venture = FrancisBacon = Masonry = Gratitude. = Awareness = GreenComet (E3) = GreenLight = Brothers = TrueKing = AmazingGrace = Messenger; Sea = Bacon = Grace. In the 1611 & 1613 KJV the first mention of Jesus appears as Iefus and in Jewish Gematria: Iefus = Ross = GodsOracle and in English or Simple Gematria: Iefus = Word (In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1 KJV) = Miranda (name coined by Sir Francis Bacon in the Tempest) = Diamond = Orange = Holy = Believe = Pray = Aliens (similar or opposites?) = Petra (Rock is a metaphor for the Father in Heaven in the Jewish Custom) = Pure = Asherah? = Ibrahim = Kings ect Hebrew Shin symbolizes Shaddai and in Jewish Gematria: Ohio = England = Shaddai = Isiah = OfGod = Grail = Noahide ect In English or Simple Gematria: Ohio = Rock = John = France = Isaiah = Dios = Force = Save = Sarah. The Knights Templar founded the state based upon sacred language seals. Discovered something recently about my ancestry that made a whole lot of sense because I spent a lot of time researching the Shawnee and had some surreal experiences leading me to question if Tecumtha / Tecumseh was related to Matoaka. Turns out he is. Something else maybe you are not aware of is Matoaka Pocahontas Eagle Plume had a sister named Princess Cleopatra. Part of the family line just recently discovered: Samuel Shawnee 1474-1550 he married Poechancanough Winamuske Powhatan 1474 - 1526 they had a son WH Shawnee 1517 - 1618 who married Pocahontas Powhatan 1525 - 1618 they had a son Pocahontas Powhatan / Chief Wahunsonacock Powhatan 1545 - 1618 he married Nonoma Winaniske Matatishe 1570 - 1618 and they had ten children including Princess Cleopatra 1590 - 1680, Matoaka Pcahonats Eagle Plume 1596 - 1617, Chief Cornstalk 1620 - 1680 whom the Shawnee leader Cornstalk 1720? - 1777 was named after. It is my understanding he was the uncle of Tecumtha, but I still have to connect that part of the tree. The latter Chief Cornstalk made a diplomatic visit to Fort Randolph in Virginia and was imprisoned and murdered. There is a depiction of George Washington seated with two men on top the courthouse building in Tippecanoe, that has Tecumseh seated next to him and in Jewish Gematria: SpringfieldOhio = Tecumtha (spelling the Galloway family used on his memorial in Old Town).  

There’s also The Cincinnati Tablet that has three lines on the back that too may be related to the Kings Mark and the front side has a Celtic, Inca, Mayan and or Asian looking design to it. It’s estimated to be about 2000 years old and was recovered in 1841 when a grading team was removing a complex of human made burial mounds near Fifth and Mound Streets downtown. It was found under a skull. Today it and other artifacts discovered are no longer on display supposedly in honor to Native Americans that they may offend. Just a tad suspect. 

The Kensington Runestone pictures on the Wikipedia page about it again is a Dragon and Phoenix depiction as well. The Dragon is the somewhat serpent looking creature in the stones black area and the Phoenix is the white area. The Phoenix beak meats the bottom of the Dragons snout and its eye its set back where it should be and it has the tufted plume on its head. The Dragon is clear as day with its eye carved out from the top of its head and the indention carved line enhancing its head shape. This stone also when rotated once to the right depicts them again only this time the Phoenix head is laying on top of the Dragons. This might be the original intent as there is a circle depicted above the top of its head to represent a pearl of wisdom perhaps.  

Oh also Hydra = The Serpent in English or Simple Gematria and it was a FreeMason who created an old map of thee location that titled it such during its restoration. It is not Draco the black snake per say as you’ve been told it is the Constellation of Hydra the white snake and what sits on its back is the constellation Crater that is represented by a Grail cup. The Crater is said to have been created by a meteorite or as some say it is a crash site of a UFO. Over the cliff from the mound is a creek that also has a Dragons head depiction in the water so somewhere near should be the Phoenix depiction. Where does the Dragon and Phoenix connect to: Peru and even Israel. Both are metaphors for the Sun and Moon as in the Chinese tradition. 

Dear Brother and Sister Wolter,    Just finished watching a new release by History Channel - The Curse of Oak Island: UNBELIEVABLE Knights T...